In the month of April, our little big boss, Xander took a day trip to June’s pet house to find out what it takes to run a pet grooming business and more importantly finding out how June started her entrepreneurship journey.
Entering the shop fully stocked with pet’s food and products, we can hear the dogs barking quietly in the background. Xander started the session by having a mini interview to ask June a few questions on what makes her venture into this business? her challenges when she first started? what are some of her most memorable encounters?

Next, Xander was given some hands-on experience to groom a few dogs in the grooming section. Xander quickly come to realized that grooming pets require a lot of patience, and precision. Every clip from the nail clipper required precision and trim safely from the pet. We think it was nerve wrecking for both Xander and the dog based on their expression during the nail grooming portion.
Next, he was tasked to bath a Corgi, who is the gentlest dog in the shop. While it took them a while to settle down and get the hang of it, the challenge is to make sure that we are not hurting the dog while making sure that the dog has a good clean bath.

During the session, Xander also found out that all the equipment is specially imported from overseas. A full set of trimming scissors alone cost a huge 4 digits figures investment, and the pet showering shampoos consist a mixture of different solution based on the fur and condition of the pet. June have definitely gone through great length to ensure that the pet she groom are of world class standard and the best experience any pet can get.
Filming E Material Singapore: Key Takeaway

The biggest take away for Xander is understand from June the attribute to run a successful pet grooming business. June ended the session sharing that “with Passion, love and patience it will bring you further throughout the career and through time and experience, you will find your own way of calming the pets during grooming”.
Xander ended the session with a once in a life time experience as a pet groomer.